selective focused of brown dog lying on sofa
Stock Photo from Unsplash - Photo by Robert Larsson

The Top 5 Most Clingy Dog Breeds

Dogs are often called man’s best friend, and for good reason. They offer unwavering loyalty, companionship, and often a deep emotional bond. Some dog breeds, however, take this bond to the next level. These breeds are known for their clingy nature, always wanting to be close to their human companions. In this article, we will explore the top five most clingy dog breeds, delving into their characteristics, history, and what makes them so attached to their owners.

selective focused of brown dog lying on sofa
Stock Photo from Unsplash – Photo by Robert Larsson

1. Labrador Retriever

Introduction to the Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds worldwide, and their affectionate nature is a big part of their appeal. Originally bred as hunting and working dogs, Labradors are known for their friendly and outgoing personalities.

History and Characteristics

Labradors were developed in Newfoundland, Canada, to help fishermen retrieve nets and catch fish. Their intelligence, trainability, and eager-to-please attitude made them ideal for this work. Today, these same traits make them fantastic family pets. Labradors are highly social and thrive on human interaction. They often follow their owners from room to room and enjoy being involved in every aspect of family life.

Why Labradors Are Clingy

Labradors form strong bonds with their owners and can become anxious if left alone for extended periods. Their need for companionship and their tendency to be protective and loyal contribute to their clingy behavior. They are also highly empathetic, often sensing their owner’s emotions and responding accordingly.

2. Chihuahua

Introduction to the Chihuahua

Chihuahuas may be small in size, but they have big personalities and even bigger hearts. These tiny dogs are known for their fierce loyalty and desire to be close to their human companions.

History and Characteristics

Chihuahuas have a long history that traces back to ancient civilizations in Mexico. They were considered sacred by the Aztecs and Toltecs and were often kept as companion animals. Chihuahuas are alert, intelligent, and very protective of their owners. Despite their small stature, they have a bold and sometimes feisty temperament.

Why Chihuahuas Are Clingy

Chihuahuas tend to form strong attachments to one or two people, often following them everywhere. Their small size makes them easy to carry, and they often enjoy being held or sitting on their owner’s lap. This breed’s clinginess can also be attributed to their desire for warmth and security.

3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Introduction to the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a breed that epitomizes companionship and affection. These dogs are gentle, loving, and very people-oriented.

History and Characteristics

Named after King Charles II of England, who adored these dogs, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was bred to be a companion. They have a regal appearance with their long, silky coats and expressive eyes. These dogs are known for their gentle and friendly nature, making them excellent family pets.

Why Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Are Clingy

Cavaliers thrive on human interaction and are happiest when they are with their owners. They are known to be “velcro dogs,” always wanting to be close to their humans. Their desire to please and their loving disposition make them one of the most affectionate and clingy breeds.

4. German Shepherd

Introduction to the German Shepherd

German Shepherds are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and versatility. They are often used as working dogs in various fields, including police work, search and rescue, and as service animals.

History and Characteristics

The German Shepherd breed was developed in Germany in the late 19th century for herding and guarding sheep. They are highly intelligent and trainable, with a strong work ethic. German Shepherds are large, powerful dogs with a keen sense of duty and loyalty to their families.

Why German Shepherds Are Clingy

German Shepherds form deep bonds with their owners and are very protective. They often follow their owners closely and can become anxious when separated. Their strong sense of loyalty and their need for mental and physical stimulation make them very attached to their families.

5. Pug

Introduction to the Pug

Pugs are small, charming dogs with big personalities. Known for their wrinkled faces and expressive eyes, Pugs are affectionate and often quite comical.

History and Characteristics

Pugs have a long history, dating back to ancient China, where they were bred to be companions for royalty. Their small, sturdy bodies and playful nature make them excellent family pets. Pugs are known for their loving and sometimes clownish behavior.

Why Pugs Are Clingy

Pugs love human attention and are happiest when they are the center of it. They often follow their owners around and enjoy cuddling. Pugs are also known to be very affectionate, forming strong bonds with their families. Their desire for companionship and their playful nature make them very clingy.


While all dogs have the potential to be loving and loyal companions, these five breeds are particularly known for their clingy nature. Labrador Retrievers, Chihuahuas, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, German Shepherds, and Pugs each have unique qualities that make them endearing and deeply attached to their human families. If you’re looking for a dog that will provide constant companionship and affection, these breeds are excellent choices.


Q: Are clingy dogs good for families with children?
A: Yes, many clingy dog breeds, such as Labrador Retrievers and Pugs, are great with children and enjoy being part of a family. Their affectionate nature can be very comforting and enjoyable for kids.

Q: How can I help my clingy dog feel more secure when I’m not home?
A: Providing plenty of toys, a comfortable space, and sometimes a piece of clothing with your scent can help. Gradually getting your dog used to being alone and ensuring they have mental stimulation can also reduce anxiety.

Q: Are clingy dogs more prone to separation anxiety?
A: Yes, dogs that are very attached to their owners can be more susceptible to separation anxiety. It’s important to train them to be comfortable with some alone time to help mitigate this issue.

Q: Can training help reduce clinginess in dogs?
A: Yes, training can help manage clinginess by teaching dogs to be more independent and confident. Commands like “stay” and providing positive reinforcement when they are calm and relaxed can be beneficial.

Q: Which clingy dog breed is best for small apartments?
A: Chihuahuas and Pugs are well-suited for small apartments due to their size and adaptability. They still require attention and companionship but can thrive in smaller living spaces.



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