Can I Bring My Pet Dog Inside of Costco?

Can I Bring My Pet Dog Inside of Costco?

Are you a dog lover like me? Do you enjoy taking your furry friend everywhere you go? Well, if you’re wondering whether you can bring your pet dog with you on your next shopping trip to Costco, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of bringing your canine companion into Costco stores.

Introduction to Costco’s Pet Policy

Costco, the beloved wholesale giant, is known for its vast selection of products at great prices. But when it comes to bringing pets into their stores, the policy isn’t as straightforward as picking out your favorite snacks or household items. Let’s delve into what you need to know about Costco’s stance on pets, particularly dogs.

Is Bringing My Dog Allowed in Costco?

As much as we love our furry friends, not all stores permit pets inside, and Costco is no exception. While some retailers may allow small dogs to accompany their owners, Costco generally follows a strict no-pets policy, with the exception of service animals. This policy is in place to ensure the safety and comfort of all customers and employees.

Exceptions: Service Animals

Service animals, such as guide dogs for the visually impaired or service dogs for individuals with disabilities, are permitted inside Costco stores. These highly trained animals play crucial roles in assisting their owners and are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you have a service animal, you can confidently bring them along as you shop at Costco.

Why Costco Prohibits Pets

You might be wondering why Costco has implemented such a policy against pets. Here are some reasons behind their decision:

  • Hygiene and cleanliness: Costco strives to maintain a clean and sanitary shopping environment for all customers. Allowing pets inside could pose hygiene concerns, such as shedding fur, drooling, or accidents.
  • Safety: Not all dogs are well-behaved or accustomed to crowded spaces. Allowing pets inside could potentially lead to disruptive behavior or even incidents of aggression, posing a safety risk to other customers and employees.
  • Allergies: Many people have allergies to pet dander, which could trigger allergic reactions among customers and staff members.

Alternatives for Pet Owners

While you may not be able to bring your dog inside Costco, there are still plenty of options available for pet owners:

  • Curbside Pickup: Take advantage of Costco’s convenient curbside pickup service. You can order your groceries and other essentials online and have them brought to your car without ever leaving your furry friend alone.
  • Pet-Friendly Stores: Consider shopping at pet-friendly retailers that welcome dogs inside their stores. Many pet supply stores, boutique shops, and even some grocery chains allow well-behaved dogs on leashes.
  • Outdoor Shopping: If the weather permits, why not enjoy some outdoor shopping? Explore farmers’ markets, outdoor malls, or pet-friendly parks where you can shop while enjoying quality time with your dog.


While it’s understandable that you want to bring your beloved pet dog everywhere you go, including your shopping trips to Costco, it’s important to respect the store’s policies and prioritize the safety and comfort of all customers and employees. Remember that service animals are the exception to the rule and are welcome inside Costco stores. For all other pets, consider exploring alternative shopping options or utilizing Costco’s convenient services like curbside pickup.

Next time you’re planning a trip to Costco, make sure your furry friend has a cozy spot at home while you shop for all your favorite goodies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I bring my emotional support animal into Costco?
A: While emotional support animals provide comfort to their owners, they do not qualify as service animals under the ADA. Therefore, they are subject to the same restrictions as pets and are generally not allowed inside Costco stores.

Q: Are there any Costco locations that allow pets inside?
A: Costco’s pet policy is consistent across all of its locations, with service animals being the only exception. Therefore, regardless of the location, pets are generally not permitted inside Costco stores.

Q: What if my dog is small and well-behaved? Can I still bring them into Costco?
A: Despite the size or behavior of your dog, Costco’s policy prohibits pets from entering their stores, with the exception of service animals. This policy is in place to ensure the safety and comfort of all customers and employees.

Q: Can I carry my dog inside a carrier or stroller?
A: While some stores may allow pets in carriers or strollers, Costco’s policy generally prohibits pets from entering their stores, regardless of how they are transported. Service animals are the only exception to this rule.

Q: Can I leave my dog in the car while I shop at Costco?
A: Leaving pets unattended in vehicles can be dangerous, especially during extreme weather conditions. It’s best to leave your furry friend at home or utilize Costco’s curbside pickup service to ensure their safety and well-being.



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