medium-coated tan dog

Keeping Your Golden Doodle Looking Their Best: Grooming Tips

Golden Doodles, a mix of Golden Retriever and Poodle, are known for their charming looks and affectionate personalities. Their unique, curly coats require regular grooming to keep them looking their best. In this article, I’ll share everything you need to know about grooming your Golden Doodle, from brushing and bathing to trimming and general care. By following these tips, you can ensure your pup stays healthy and happy.


Grooming a Golden Doodle isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s essential for their health. These lovable pups have a unique coat that requires regular attention. Without proper care, their fur can become matted, leading to discomfort and potential health issues. In this article, I’ll provide a comprehensive guide to grooming your Golden Doodle, covering everything from brushing techniques to bathing and beyond. By the end, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to keep your furry friend looking and feeling great.

Understanding the Golden Doodle’s Coat

Golden Doodles have a variety of coat types, each requiring different grooming approaches. Their coats can be wavy, curly, or straight, each type influenced by their genetic mix. Understanding your Golden Doodle’s coat type is crucial for effective grooming.

Coat Types and Their Care

  1. Wavy Coat: Wavy coats are a blend of the Golden Retriever’s straight coat and the Poodle’s curly coat. This type typically requires moderate grooming, with regular brushing to prevent tangles.
  2. Curly Coat: The curly coat, resembling the Poodle, needs frequent grooming to prevent matting. This coat type is non-shedding but requires regular brushing and trimming.
  3. Straight Coat: Straight coats, more like the Golden Retriever’s, shed more but are easier to groom. Regular brushing helps manage shedding and keeps the coat healthy.

Did You Know?

  • Golden Doodles with curly coats tend to be more hypoallergenic due to their Poodle heritage.

Brushing Your Golden Doodle

Regular brushing is crucial for all Golden Doodle coat types. Brushing helps prevent mats and tangles while also distributing natural oils for a healthy, shiny coat.

Choosing the Right Brush

  1. Slicker Brush: Ideal for curly or wavy coats, a slicker brush helps remove tangles and loose hair.
  2. Pin Brush: Suitable for straight coats, a pin brush helps distribute natural oils and keeps the coat shiny.
  3. Dematting Tool: Useful for curly or wavy coats prone to matting, this tool helps remove tough tangles.

Brushing Techniques

  1. Detangling: Start by using a dematting tool or your fingers to gently remove any knots or tangles.
  2. Brushing: Use a slicker or pin brush, depending on your dog’s coat type, to brush through the fur. Brush in the direction of hair growth.
  3. Finishing: For a smooth finish, you can use a bristle brush or grooming comb to give the coat a polished look.

How Often to Brush

Golden Doodles with curly or wavy coats should be brushed daily to prevent matting, while those with straight coats can be brushed a few times a week to manage shedding and keep their coats healthy.

Did You Know?

  • Brushing your Golden Doodle also helps you spot any skin issues or parasites, making it an essential part of regular health checks.

Bathing Your Golden Doodle

Bathing is another important aspect of grooming, but it should be done with care. Overbathing can strip natural oils from your dog’s skin, leading to dryness and irritation.

How Often to Bathe

Golden Doodles should be bathed every 4-6 weeks, or as needed if they get particularly dirty. Curly and wavy coats may require more frequent baths due to their tendency to trap dirt.

Bathing Tips

  1. Preparation: Brush your Golden Doodle before bathing to remove any tangles, which can become worse when wet.
  2. Shampoo: Use a dog-specific shampoo that suits your dog’s skin type. Avoid human shampoos, as they can be too harsh.
  3. Rinsing: Make sure to rinse thoroughly to remove all shampoo residue, which can cause irritation.
  4. Drying: Towel dry or use a blow dryer on a low, cool setting. Avoid high heat, which can damage your dog’s coat.

Did You Know?

  • Using a conditioner after shampooing can help keep your Golden Doodle’s coat soft and manageable.

Trimming Your Golden Doodle

Trimming is an essential part of Golden Doodle grooming, helping to manage the coat’s length and shape.

Choosing a Grooming Style

  1. Teddy Bear Cut: A popular style, the Teddy Bear Cut involves trimming the coat to an even length, giving your Golden Doodle a cute, fluffy appearance.
  2. Kennel Cut: The Kennel Cut is a practical style, with a short, even length that’s easy to maintain.
  3. Poodle Cut: For a more elegant look, the Poodle Cut involves leaving longer hair on the body and trimming the legs and face.

Trimming Tips

  1. Preparation: Brush your dog thoroughly before trimming to ensure an even cut.
  2. Tools: Use grooming scissors or clippers, depending on the style you choose.
  3. Technique: Trim slowly and carefully, checking your progress frequently. Start with a longer blade and gradually go shorter if needed.

Professional Grooming

If you’re not comfortable trimming your Golden Doodle yourself, consider taking them to a professional groomer. They can provide expert care and advice on maintaining your dog’s coat.

Did You Know?

  • Regular trimming can help prevent matting and keep your Golden Doodle’s coat looking its best.

Ear and Paw Care

Ear and paw care are important aspects of Golden Doodle grooming that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Ear Care

Golden Doodles are prone to ear infections due to their floppy ears. Regular cleaning can help prevent issues.

  1. Cleaning: Use a dog-specific ear cleaner and cotton balls to gently clean the ears.
  2. Checking: Look for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or odor.

Paw Care

Golden Doodles’ paws can collect dirt and debris, leading to discomfort or injury.

  1. Trimming: Trim the hair around the paws to prevent matting and reduce dirt buildup.
  2. Checking: Regularly check for cuts, cracks, or foreign objects between the toes.

Did You Know?

  • Golden Doodles’ nails should be trimmed regularly to prevent overgrowth and discomfort.


Grooming your Golden Doodle is an important part of keeping them healthy and happy. By understanding their coat type and following proper grooming techniques, you can ensure your furry friend looks and feels their best. Regular brushing, bathing, trimming, and ear and paw care will help keep your Golden Doodle’s coat shiny and healthy. With these tips, you’ll be able to groom like a pro and enjoy the bond that comes with caring for your beloved pet.


  1. How often should I groom my Golden Doodle?
    • Regular brushing should be done daily for curly or wavy coats and a few times a week for straight coats. Bathing should be done every 4-6 weeks, and trimming can vary based on your dog’s needs and grooming style.
  2. What type of brush is best for a Golden Doodle?
    • A slicker brush is ideal for curly or wavy coats, while a pin brush works well for straight coats. A dematting tool can help with tough tangles.
  3. Can I groom my Golden Doodle myself?
    • Yes, with proper tools and techniques, you can groom your Golden Doodle at home. However, professional grooming is also a great option if you’re not comfortable doing it yourself.
  4. How do I prevent matting in my Golden Doodle’s coat?
    • Regular brushing, especially for curly or wavy coats, helps prevent matting. Keeping the coat trimmed and using a detangling spray can also help.
  5. What should I do if my Golden Doodle gets matted?
    • Use a dematting tool or your fingers to gently work through the mats. If the mats are severe, a professional groomer can help.


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